New Total Body Workout


After work yesterday I did a new total body workout before a 5 mile run through a really hilly neighborhood.  The only bad thing is that together, it took about 2 hours.  Normally if I do strength and cardio on the same day, I shorten one of the 2 but I had some extra time.

Total Body Workout: (*explained in this post)

  • single arm pulls (50 each side, no weights)*
  • double arm palm out (100 total, no weights)*
  • large-range half circle (100, 1lb weights)*
  • diagonal pull up (50 each side, 3 lb weights)*
  • triceps stationary machine (2 sets, 30 reps, 10 lbs)
  • pushups with legs on a ball (50 total, with breaks)
  • elbow plank (1 minute)
  • regular plank (1 minute)
  • legs straight out crunches (50 reps)*
  • click together lift crunch (25 reps)*
  • attitude leg lift (50 each leg)*
  • attitude but pulse (100 each leg)*
  • lunge curl press (50 reps, 5lb weights)
    • Step forward into a lunge – as you lower, curl arms into a bicep curl and while still lowered, push them up straight into the air, then bring arms down into a curl, back by your sides and push back up to starting position.
    • Repeat with opposite leg – do this 50 times, so it ends up being 25 lunges with each leg

It’s a lot of stuff, but it kept me from getting bored.  I always get bored when I do workouts where you have to do 3 of the same set.


By the time I got home from my run, Toto was just taking some really yummy chicken off the grill…good timing if I do say so myself. 


She roasted some sweet potatoes and broccoli and cut up fresh tomatoes from the back porch to have with the chicken.  I can’t tell you how she cooked any of it, because I admit that I had nothing to do with this meal.  It was really really flavorful and moist grilled chicken though.  YUM.  And yeah, we used paper plates and ate off TV trays last night.  Just how I like it.

I’m sure I’ll be making some version of the grilled chicken for lunch today, but we shall see!  For now, I’m enjoying the Today Show (which is really freaking sad because of the shark attack story) with the same power breakfast I had on Tuesday morning.  Catch ya later.